Expert Reveals Why Sleeping On Your Stomach Is A Bad Idea

Do you usually sleep on your stomach? If so, you might want to reconsider your position because experts are warning against it. 

Your sleep routine plays a huge role in both your physical and mental health, and one key factor is how you position yourself while resting.

A representative from Levitex, a brand specializing in spine-supportive pillows and mattresses, has shared that lying on your stomach for long periods can wreak havoc on your back.

Using a model dressed in a muscle suit, the expert demonstrated how the muscles at the back of your upper legs need to stretch significantly just to maintain the position. 

You can watch the demonstration here:

And it’s not just your legs that are under strain. “None of you have ever watched TV like this, so why would you spend hours upon hours twisting your neck?” he continued. 

Your spine also takes a hit when you sleep on your stomach. The pressure it endures can lead to back pain sooner than you might expect.

If you can, try to break the habit of sleeping in this position. But if switching is too difficult, at the very least, avoid using a pillow to reduce the pressure on your neck.

Levitex has shared plenty of useful advice on its TikTok page, including tips not just for sleeping at home but also for staying comfortable while traveling.

Take travel pillows, for instance—the ones that many of us splurge on at the airport. According to experts, there’s actually a better and more affordable way to get the same comfort. 

Discussing neck cushions, the expert pointed out: “It’s not going to support the 20 muscles and the seven tiny vertebrae in your neck.”

“Try this hack to save you money and save space in your suitcase with the jumper that you’re going to be coming home with because it’s cold and miserable when you do.”


“Fold it, roll it, wrap it round your neck, get an elastic band or a hair bobble, pin it together and now you have a beautiful neck cushion.” 

When it comes to the pillows you use at home, it might not be what you want to hear, but those big, plush pillows we love so much aren’t the best for our posture.

Instead, experts recommend using thinner, more supportive pillows. These help maintain the natural curve of your neck and reduce the chances of waking up with stiffness or discomfort.


But don’t rush to get rid of your extra pillows just yet! The expert from Levitex suggested that if you sleep on your side, you can place a pillow between your legs to help keep your spine aligned. 

So, if you often wake up feeling sore or stiff, it might be time to rethink your sleeping habits and give these tips a try.

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